For ten years it was quite common to take a mechanical flowmeter. With higher safety and security levels we expect from instrumentation for the oil and gas industry nowadays, a Coriolis flowmeter is the most logical and safest choice. The Coriolis flowmeter is a highly accurate direct mass and density measuring instrument.
When it comes to material choice, 316/316L is widely accepted in the oil and gas market. In onshore applications it is the market standard. For higher corrosion resistance or higher pressures, Hastelloy or a Ni-based Alloy C22 is used. Typical injection pressures are up to 6000psi (~425bar), this is also valid for injecting filming materials in drilling applications. Flow rates are typically low (as low as up to 1mm or 1/24th inch) – not only because of the pressure. It is about a continuous process: long-term or in batches. Most flow meters have ½ inch flanges, but threaded connections are also utilized. Typical flange size is CI. 1500 or 2500.
One flowmeter to meet those requirements very well is the Proline Promass A. It has a very good zero- point stability at these very low flow rates and an excellent rangeability with very low pressure loss (the exact details depend on the actual flow conditions). It is available as both a 4-wire and a 2-wire device with direct 4 to 20mA (no adapter barriers). The connection and information inter-exchangeability to the Inventory Management Solution is seamless. The Proline Promass A has a single tube design, so there is less chance of clogging, a small footprint and a low weight. Onshore it requires only very little support and offshore it reduces the system weight. Additional offerings are NACE MR0175/MR0103 compliance, PMI testing and weld seam testing according to ISO 10675-1, ASME B31.1, ASME VIII and NORSOK M-601.

What is important is that Promass A disposes over a wide range of international hazardous approvals and various installation concepts, like intrinsically safety (Ex is/IS). The so-called Heartbeat Technology adds a wide spectrum of monitoring options and allows inline and online verification, it also reduces the effort for SIL proof testing. Specific gateways via the instrument enable the operator to quickly find all support information for first line of troubles shooting and lean operations. The operator has access to smart information of the device via cloud – as spare part and component lists, user manuals, a trouble-shooting guide and much more.
Post time: Apr-27-2022